Guiding Principles
• It is the intention of the organisation, to seek to eliminate the danger of fatalities, disabling injuries, physical and emotional distress, serious illness and to reduce minor accidents, injuries and illness to a level no higher than might be expected in everyday life.
• It is essential that there is a genuine willingness by all staff and participants to recognize and report hazards.
Protection Policy Statement
We are strongly committed to encouraging our staff and participants to take part, but the health, well- being and safety of each individual is always our paramount concern.
Policy aims
The aim of the Health and Safety Policy is to promote good practice by:
• Undertaking regular, recorded risk assessments of the organisation’s premises both owned or hired, and all activities undertaken by the organisation
• Create a safe environment by putting health & safety measures in place as identified by the risk assessments.
• Ensuring that all staff (both paid and voluntary) are aware of, understand and follow the organisation’s health & safety policy
• Health and safety is the responsibility of all.
• Ensuring that normal operating procedures and emergency operating procedures are in place and known by all.
• Providing access to adequate first aid facilities and qualified first aider at all times; and a means of communicating in an emergency.
• Reporting any injuries, accidents and near-misses sustained during any activity or whilst on the organisation’s premises: in line with RIDDOR – Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013. Staff should complete the RW RIDDOR Form and return to a Director.
• Ensuring that the implementation of the policy is reviewed regularly and monitored for effectiveness.
All staff have a responsibility to:
• Take reasonable care for their own health & safety and that of others who may be affected by their actions.
• Co-operate with the organisation on health & safety issues and report any accidents or near misses.
• Correctly use all equipment provided by the organisation
• Not interfere with or misuse anything provided for health, safety or welfare.