Nestled in an ancient woodland lies Reddam house school, a Hogwart-esque building with the grandeur of a sizeable stately home. The perfect location to host a bushcraft camp for the pupils leading up to Christmas. Typically, the build up to Christmas is quiet for Polaris Outdoor on the schools front as they are winding up to the end of term and is in most cases the busiest time of their year. However, 2020 was not like any other year as we all know and the pupils were in desperate need of some outdoor fun and epic adventures.
What a fantastic week we had with Reddam house! It was high energy for almost every minute of every day. The youngest in attendance was 4 and the oldest was 13 so we catered for a wide range of capabilities every day. What impressed us most about the students was their ability to mingle across the age groups and support one another. We had particular student stood out as being exceptionally helpful throughout the whole week. Plus another whose passion and commitment to learning new skills was exemplary and infectious – such a curious little bean.
This was a fabulous week to remember and the students enjoyed it so much we have been asked back again for Easter to run another week which we are looking forward to. This occasion will be progressive for the pupils and they will build upon the skills they have already learnt. Among some of those skills are: fire lighting and sourcing materials and fuel, foraging, search and rescue, first aid, Spoon carving and more.
Take a look at the below video to see some of the highlights of the week: