When I was younger, I always had a passion for camping and the outdoors. I always enjoyed water sports but had never really been open to the idea of hiking and expeditions until my trip to Finland in 2023.

On this life changing trip, I faced many challenges but never felt like I was struggling, as I always had my friends by my side. I was also offered so much support from the Polaris Outdoor team such as providing moral boosts and never failing to make us laugh. However, one particular challenge that stands out was the hike up Tankavaara hill as I did this on skis. Due to the cold weather (-15 degrees Celsius) and the challenging terrain there were moments where I felt like giving up. However, with the encouragement of the people around me, I did the full 7k walk and felt amazing at the end. Additionally, another highlight from the trip was definitely Huski dog-sledding, it was unlike anything I had ever experienced before, and I remember laughing through the whole thing. Overall, I definitely made some of my funniest and most precious memories on this trip and it is something I will never forget.

Being invited back to Finland in 2024 as a young leader was a privilege and I really looked forward to it.

I found it very different seeing things from a leader’s perspective and it came with very different challenges. Instead of only considering my abilities and what I wanted to achieve I had to consider the physical and mental ability of the other students I was working with and ensure we managed their capabilities.

An example of this was when a student fainted during a hike and the group had to return to the accommodation. The student was upset as they felt like they had held back the group and I had to explain to them the importance of teamwork and all having to look after each other in this environment. The experience of a real life rescue was a brilliant learning experience for all of us and everyone rallied around so well to put everything we had learned into practice.

As well as the serious side of the trip there were many funny moments on the trip as seen in the photo. It’s so important to keep a positive attitude and see the bright side of things. Challenging situations can often be defused by a bit of humour. 

The trip was such a different experience as it involved working closely with the trained Expedition Leaders and earning the respect of the students instead of being one of them. I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to my next opportunity to build my skills toward becoming a young leader.

Liv Flower